The company Elleci Prodotto SRL was founded in 1980, thanks to the initiative of Sergio Fabrizi and Claudio Cavallini, result of a solid working experience acquired through others business realities, from the end of the 60s, time when our production sector has developed significantly.
Our main activity is focused on the production of exclusive metal accessories, directed to the realization of articles for leather goods, footwear and clothing. The design of each article of the collection is carried out with the close cooperation of the " Product's Development Office" of our customers, to which we offer the most innovative technical solutions concerning the raw materials, the different galvanic finishes and the specific technics of production, used for the creation of the accessories.
Actually the company's activity is performed through the collaboration of 40 employees in a new establishment of a size of about 2000 square foot, where are located the department of handling and storage of the goods, the administrative offices and all the technologically advanced machineries. A particular attention is paid to the creation of the first prototypes, essential part of our production cycle, for which is essential to follow the short timing for the realization of the "pre-serie", in order to comply with the time to market dictated by the fashion system.
Thanks to our performance, in the years we have been able to develop business relationships with the most important Italian and international luxury fashion brands, providing our experience, our care for details and the love for our work.
Today the management of the company is entrusted to the second generation, who has collected the family tradition, continuing to invest in new technical and human resources, to project their activity in the future, in order to always keep up with the time, maintaining anyway that production elasticity that distinguished the company in the years.
Discover the production processes